
Okay, this is going to be a little different to what i usually write about. I’m going to write about my experience at Foundation in Swansea (art and design). Firstly, I’mnot saying you shouldnt go there, or should, its just my opinion on it!

When you first start there you get split into six groups and slowly make you’re way around each course. (Photography, graphic design, textiles, fine art, life drawing/surface pattern and 3D) Now, knowing that i wanted to go into textile design, i found doing each class for 6 WEEKS boring and unessecary, there should be an option not to do it. (Before you say, why did i not just go? My art lectuerer in college told me that i wouldnt get into univeristy without it, which i did, so i found it pointless.)

When we finally got put into our ‘choices’.I actually enjoyed it for the first few weeks, then owen. Ah Owen. The worst lectuerer there in my opinion. He done nothing to help me, nothing! For my final piece he critisied it to the max and said  i would just about pass, one day i just had enough and practically nearly punched him square in the teeth, but no i just sternly told him, it was MY decision and i wanted to do it my way. Everyone i asked said they loved it, he was just being his usual arsehole self. Enough of that, i didnt go totthe final show thing, as i had better things to do(everyone elses pieces were amazing though,well done!) and i couldnt face going to be honest! I quickly picked up my stuff and never looked back.

I tried never to be there,always in the Swansea met (big one!) doing research (talking to my boyfriend on facebook, ehem.) or having my head phones shoved in and doing sktechbook work, i just didnt find it enjoyable. The only person that kept me sane was Owen (not the lecturer, a guy doing graphics, whom shared my hatred for te textiles lecturer.)

I’m actually looking forward to starting in UWIC, the girls seem lovely, im living in a lovely place and my boyfriend lves near to me this year, while hes home anyway, a fresh start for me đŸ™‚

(Im not saying the people in foundation werent nice, i just didnt enjoy it enough, and felt mopey all the time, so i just kept my head down and done the work!)

Thanks for reading my huge rant!
Cerys xo